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Gothic I: Dicurric - problem....
nawrok888 - Czw Lis 08, 2007 2:51 pm otóż gram sobie w dicurrica a tu nagle gra sie wyłącza i pokazuje sie taki komunikat..... http://www.otofotki.pl/pokaz.php?id=erwl138986001f.JPG pojawia się to za każdym razem po paru minutach grania.....następnie zauważyłe ze na dysku pojawił się plik o takiej zawartości.... //======================UNHANDLED EXCEPTION====================== //======================UNHANDLED EXCEPTION====================== GothicMod.exe caused a in module kernel32.dll at 001B:77E6D756, RaiseException()+80 byte(s) EAX=0126F7B4 EBX=0126F89C ECX=00000000 EDX=00000000 ESI=0126F844 EDI=0126F844 EBP=0126F804 ESP=0126F7B0 EIP=77E6D756 FLG=00000206 CS=001B DS=0023 SS=0023 ES=0023 FS=003B GS=0000 //===================== INFOS ========================= //======================UNHANDLED EXCEPTION====================== //======================UNHANDLED EXCEPTION====================== GothicMod.exe caused a in module kernel32.dll at 001B:77E6D756, RaiseException()+80 byte(s) EAX=0126F7B4 EBX=0126F89C ECX=00000000 EDX=00000000 ESI=0126F844 EDI=0126F844 EBP=0126F804 ESP=0126F7B0 EIP=77E6D756 FLG=00000206 CS=001B DS=0023 SS=0023 ES=0023 FS=003B GS=0000 //===================== INFOS ========================= GOTHIC 1.08k_mod, Parser Version: 50 User: piotr, CPUType: 586, Mem: 512 MB total, 58 MB free Camera: Pos(29839.6445/16583.8438/-13990.8643), At(-0.527609944/-0.0871667415/0.84500277) //====================== CALLSTACK ======================== 001B:77E6D756 (0xE06D7363 0x00000001 0x00000003 0x0126F838) kernel32.dll, RaiseException()+80 byte(s) 001B:0077AA7F (0x0126F864 0x00824D98 0x0065A920 0x008DCE08) GothicMod.exe, _CxxThrowException()+52 byte(s) 001B:007771B1 (0xFFFFFFFF 0x006E921B 0x006E8742 0x008DCE50) GothicMod.exe, bad_cast::bad_cast 001B:007C6028 (0x03E12120 0x00000000 0x00829BBC 0x0082D0B4) GothicMod.exe, SetFileAttributesA()+245388 byte(s) 001B:0065A945 (0x008DCE50 0x00000000 0x008DCE08 0x0000293C) GothicMod.exe, oCMsgState::operator delete()+34789 byte(s), D:\dev\gothic\current_work\Gothic\_Ulf\oGameExternal.cpp, line 4624+27 byte(s) 001B:006E9208 (0x0065A920 0x008DCE50 0x00000000 0x008DCE08) GothicMod.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+3080 byte(s), D:\dev\gothic\current_work\ZenGin\_Ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1433 001B:006E91A4 (0x00002840 0x008DCE08 0x008DCE60 0x007D06E8) GothicMod.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), D:\dev\gothic\current_work\ZenGin\_Ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 001B:006E91A4 (0x000028F7 0x007D06E8 0xFFFFFFFF 0x0FA37A2C) GothicMod.exe, zCParser::DoStack()+2980 byte(s), D:\dev\gothic\current_work\ZenGin\_Ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1415 001B:006E9957 (0x008DCE08 0x00001725 0x0FA35F80 0x0FA34D70) GothicMod.exe, zCParser::CallFunc()+711 byte(s), D:\dev\gothic\current_work\ZenGin\_Ulf\zParser.cpp, line 1548 001B:006C5FFE (0x0A20C268 0x0FA375BC 0x00000001 0x0230DD4C) GothicMod.exe, oCNpc_States::DoAIState()+926 byte(s), D:\dev\gothic\current_work\Gothic\_Ulf\oNpcStates.cpp, line 764+18 byte(s) 001B:00615E34 (0x0FA375BC 0x0126FB80 0x0A20C034 0x00000000) GothicMod.exe, oCAIHuman::DoAI()+996 byte(s), D:\dev\gothic\current_work\Gothic\_Ulf\oAIHuman.cpp, line 2587 001B:005D773C (0x0230DD4C 0x0A1CA984 0x00000000 0x0126FCF4) GothicMod.exe, zCVob::DoFrameActivity()+412 byte(s), D:\dev\gothic\current_work\ZenGin\_Dieter\zVob.cpp, line 2050 001B:0063DC76 (0x77F762C0 0x000423BA 0x0126FF04 0x00000000) GothicMod.exe, oCGame::Render()+150 byte(s), D:\dev\gothic\current_work\Gothic\_Ulf\oGame.cpp, line 2469 001B:00424F73 (0x007D1078 0x00000016 0x001701DA 0x0A1CA984) GothicMod.exe, CGameManager::Run()+1155 byte(s), D:\dev\gothic\current_work\Gothic\_Bert\oGameManager.cpp, line 699+25 byte(s) 001B:006D867B (0x7FFDF000 0x0000002C 0x00000003 0x00000009) GothicMod.exe, MainProg()+75 byte(s), D:\dev\gothic\current_work\Gothic\_Ulf\Phoenix.cpp, line 115 001B:004F4326 (0x00400000 0x00000000 0x000423BA 0x00000001) GothicMod.exe, HandledWinMain()+966 byte(s), D:\dev\gothic\current_work\ZenGin\_Carsten\zWin32.cpp, line 772 001B:004F3E90 (0x00400000 0x00000000 0x000423BA 0x00000001) GothicMod.exe, WinMain()+128 byte(s), D:\dev\gothic\current_work\ZenGin\_Carsten\zWin32.cpp, line 684+21 byte(s) 001B:0077A9B8 (0x90900000 0x90909090 0xFFFFFFFF 0x77F8F1F3) GothicMod.exe, WinMainCRTStartup()+224 byte(s) 001B:005C003F (0x77FC6028 0x74529000 0x636F4C6C 0x6165486B) GothicMod.exe, zCSkyControler_Outdoor::InitSkyPFX()+191 byte(s), D:\dev\gothic\current_work\ZenGin\_Dieter\zSky.cpp, line 2810+81 byte(s) 001B:77F8A614 (0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000) ntdll.dll, RtlCaptureContext()+29186 byte(s) //===================================================== //===================== MODULES ======================= Module list: names, addresses, sizes, time stamps and file times: E:\Program Files\Gothic PL\System\VDFS32G.dll, loaded at 0x00270000 - 91136 bytes - 2a425e19 - file date is 11/30/1999 21:11:58 E:\Program Files\Gothic PL\System\GothicMod.exe, loaded at 0x00400000 - 8518352 bytes - 3cce9c48 - file date is 5/1/2002 01:08:12 C:\WINDOWS\System32\dmstyle.dll, loaded at 0x02100000 - 98816 bytes - 3dedc984 - file date is 12/11/2002 23:14:32 C:\WINDOWS\System32\dmband.dll, loaded at 0x02120000 - 27136 bytes - 3dedc979 - file date is 12/11/2002 23:14:32 C:\WINDOWS\System32\mswsock.dll, loaded at 0x02c30000 - 229888 bytes - 3bd98ee3 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:36 C:\WINDOWS\System32\dmloader.dll, loaded at 0x02cd0000 - 33280 bytes - 3dedc980 - file date is 12/11/2002 23:14:32 C:\WINDOWS\System32\dmusic.dll, loaded at 0x02e10000 - 122880 bytes - 40ee6b7f - file date is 7/9/2004 03:27:28 C:\WINDOWS\System32\dmime.dll, loaded at 0x02e40000 - 181248 bytes - 40ee6b8d - file date is 7/9/2004 03:27:28 C:\WINDOWS\System32\dmcompos.dll, loaded at 0x02e80000 - 58368 bytes - 3dedc97d - file date is 12/11/2002 23:14:32 C:\WINDOWS\System32\dmsynth.dll, loaded at 0x02f00000 - 100864 bytes - 3dedc987 - file date is 12/11/2002 23:14:32 E:\Program Files\Gothic PL\System\BugslayerUtil.dll, loaded at 0x03000000 - 32827 bytes - 37f8d416 - file date is 10/4/1999 19:22:48 E:\Program Files\Gothic PL\System\SHW32.DLL, loaded at 0x0a930000 - 124656 bytes - 39983012 - file date is 10/11/2000 21:08:30 C:\WINDOWS\System32\rsaenh.dll, loaded at 0x0ffd0000 - 131584 bytes - 3b51462e - file date is 8/17/2001 22:23:20 D:\Program Files\Gadu-Gadu\ggwhook.dll, loaded at 0x10000000 - 102400 bytes - 4549d847 - file date is 12/21/2006 13:30:44 E:\Program Files\Gothic PL\System\mss32.dll, loaded at 0x21100000 - 348160 bytes - 3bccbaf7 - file date is 10/16/2001 06:01:04 E:\Program Files\Gothic PL\System\binkw32.dll, loaded at 0x30000000 - 291328 bytes - 39da4405 - file date is 10/18/2000 18:41:20 C:\WINDOWS\System32\DDRAW.dll, loaded at 0x51000000 - 292864 bytes - 40ee6af9 - file date is 7/9/2004 03:27:28 C:\WINDOWS\System32\DSOUND.dll, loaded at 0x51080000 - 381952 bytes - 40ee6b7c - file date is 7/9/2004 03:27:28 C:\WINDOWS\System32\D3DIM700.DLL, loaded at 0x5c000000 - 797184 bytes - 3ed7cf84 - file date is 5/30/2003 08:00:02 C:\WINDOWS\System32\KsUser.dll, loaded at 0x5ef80000 - 4096 bytes - 3dedcbf6 - file date is 12/11/2002 23:14:32 E:\Program Files\Gothic PL\System\msdbi.dll, loaded at 0x63420000 - 102672 bytes - 37715ac8 - file date is 6/23/1999 18:08:10 C:\WINDOWS\System32\HID.DLL, loaded at 0x68df0000 - 22528 bytes - 3bd98f1b - file date is 10/26/2001 19:03:24 E:\Program Files\Gothic PL\System\imagehl2.dll, loaded at 0x71460000 - 85264 bytes - 35da03d4 - file date is 8/18/1998 11:47:18 C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.0.0_x-ww_1382d70a\comctl32.dll, loaded at 0x71950000 - 921088 bytes - 3b7dfe32 - file date is 8/18/2001 07:37:18 C:\WINDOWS\System32\WS2HELP.dll, loaded at 0x71a40000 - 18944 bytes - 3bd98ee4 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:46 C:\WINDOWS\System32\WS2_32.dll, loaded at 0x71a50000 - 75264 bytes - 3bd98ee3 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:46 C:\WINDOWS\System32\WSOCK32.dll, loaded at 0x71a70000 - 23040 bytes - 3bd98ee3 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:46 C:\WINDOWS\System32\netapi32.dll, loaded at 0x71bd0000 - 309760 bytes - 3bd98ee4 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:38 C:\WINDOWS\System32\sensapi.dll, loaded at 0x72260000 - 6144 bytes - 3bd98ee0 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:40 C:\WINDOWS\System32\DINPUT.dll, loaded at 0x72280000 - 648704 bytes - 3d6dfa07 - file date is 8/29/2002 02:40:00 C:\WINDOWS\System32\msadp32.acm, loaded at 0x72c80000 - 13312 bytes - 3bd98edb - file date is 10/26/2001 18:27:06 C:\WINDOWS\System32\msacm32.drv, loaded at 0x72ca0000 - 20992 bytes - 3bd98edb - file date is 10/26/2001 18:30:08 C:\WINDOWS\System32\wdmaud.drv, loaded at 0x72cb0000 - 22016 bytes - 3bd98edb - file date is 10/26/2001 16:30:10 C:\WINDOWS\System32\DCIMAN32.dll, loaded at 0x73b50000 - 7680 bytes - 3bd98ed6 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:28 C:\WINDOWS\System32\cryptnet.dll, loaded at 0x73ce0000 - 53248 bytes - 3bd98ed5 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:28 C:\WINDOWS\system32\userenv.dll, loaded at 0x75a40000 - 667648 bytes - 3bd98ece - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:44 C:\WINDOWS\system32\urlmon.dll, loaded at 0x760c0000 - 453120 bytes - 3bd98eca - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:44 C:\WINDOWS\system32\wininet.dll, loaded at 0x761d0000 - 596480 bytes - 3bd98eca - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:46 C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSASN1.dll, loaded at 0x76270000 - 51200 bytes - 3bd98eca - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:36 C:\WINDOWS\system32\CRYPT32.dll, loaded at 0x76290000 - 558080 bytes - 3bd98eca - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:28 C:\WINDOWS\System32\SETUPAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x76650000 - 935424 bytes - 3bd98eca - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:40 C:\WINDOWS\System32\WINMM.dll, loaded at 0x76b20000 - 172544 bytes - 3bd98ec8 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:46 C:\WINDOWS\System32\PSAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x76be0000 - 17408 bytes - 3bd98ec8 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:26:48 C:\WINDOWS\System32\rtutils.dll, loaded at 0x76e70000 - 39936 bytes - 3bd98ec7 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:40 C:\WINDOWS\System32\rasman.dll, loaded at 0x76e80000 - 55808 bytes - 3bd98ec7 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:40 C:\WINDOWS\System32\TAPI32.dll, loaded at 0x76ea0000 - 163328 bytes - 3bd98ec7 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:44 C:\WINDOWS\System32\RASAPI32.DLL, loaded at 0x76ed0000 - 215040 bytes - 3bd98ec7 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:40 C:\WINDOWS\System32\DNSAPI.dll, loaded at 0x76f10000 - 139264 bytes - 3bd98ec6 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:28 C:\WINDOWS\system32\WLDAP32.dll, loaded at 0x76f50000 - 168448 bytes - 3bd98ec6 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:46 C:\WINDOWS\System32\Secur32.dll, loaded at 0x76f80000 - 52224 bytes - 3bd98ec6 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:40 C:\WINDOWS\System32\winrnr.dll, loaded at 0x76fa0000 - 14848 bytes - 3bd98ec6 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:46 C:\WINDOWS\System32\rasadhlp.dll, loaded at 0x76fb0000 - 6144 bytes - 3bd98ec6 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:40 C:\WINDOWS\System32\CLBCATQ.DLL, loaded at 0x76fc0000 - 468480 bytes - 3bd98ec6 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:26 C:\WINDOWS\System32\COMRes.dll, loaded at 0x77040000 - 822272 bytes - 3bd98ec6 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:26:46 C:\WINDOWS\system32\oleaut32.dll, loaded at 0x77110000 - 569344 bytes - 3bd98ec6 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:40 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll, loaded at 0x771a0000 - 1141248 bytes - 3bd98ec6 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:40 C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHLWAPI.dll, loaded at 0x772c0000 - 397824 bytes - 3bd98ec6 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:42 C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMCTL32.dll, loaded at 0x77330000 - 557568 bytes - 3bd98ec6 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:26 C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll, loaded at 0x773c0000 - 8351232 bytes - 3bd98ec5 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:42 C:\WINDOWS\System32\midimap.dll, loaded at 0x77bc0000 - 17920 bytes - 3bd98ec5 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:36 C:\WINDOWS\System32\MSACM32.dll, loaded at 0x77bd0000 - 67072 bytes - 3bd98ec5 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:36 C:\WINDOWS\system32\VERSION.dll, loaded at 0x77bf0000 - 16384 bytes - 3bd98ec5 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:26:44 C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll, loaded at 0x77c00000 - 322560 bytes - 3bd98ec5 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:26:44 C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll, loaded at 0x77c60000 - 250880 bytes - 3bd98ec5 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:30 C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll, loaded at 0x77cb0000 - 463872 bytes - 3bd98ec5 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:40 C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll, loaded at 0x77d30000 - 562688 bytes - 3bd98ec5 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:44 C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll, loaded at 0x77dc0000 - 619008 bytes - 3bd98ec4 - file date is 10/26/2001 18:29:26 C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll, loaded at 0x77e60000 - 955392 bytes - 3b7dfe0e - file date is 10/26/2001 17:49:02 C:\WINDOWS\System32\ntdll.dll, loaded at 0x77f50000 - 682496 bytes - 3b7de01e - file date is 10/26/2001 17:49:46 //===================================================== o co tu chodzi?????????????????........ pzdr wonski - Sob Lis 10, 2007 7:47 am Standardowy błąd pojawia się w każdej części Gothic i w każdym dodatku. Być może masz źle zainstalowany ten dodatek, polecam przeczytać dla pewności: http://www.gothic.phx.pl/gothic/infopage.php?id=24 Ogólnie to nie ma sposobu na rozwiązanie tego problemu. Możesz odinstalować gre, zainstalować Diccuric (pobrać z www.gothic.phx.pl ), ewentualnie nowe sterowniki do karty graficznej |
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Sitedesign by AltusUmbrae. |